​​​Audrey L. Dickey, Ph.D. is an author, speaker, businesswoman and President of Audrey Dickey Ministries. She leads a fivefold multi-cultural apostolic, prophetic ministry to empower, equip and train Believers for the advancement of the Kingdom of God. 

Audrey holds a Doctor of Philosophy in Religious
Studies and a Doctor of Ministry with emphasis in Biblical Counseling from Friends International Christian University (FICU) in California. She is also a member of the American Association of Christian Counselors (AACC). She was commissioned by Apostle Dr. Chuck D. Pierce of Glory of Zion International and she has over thirty years in full-time ministry.  Before entering the ministry, she was employed as a Paralegal or Law Office Manager.

Audrey's, God's Way book series, includes strategies, tools and devices for spiritual warfare at the same time building a strong foundation for marriages, traditional and blended families, finances, to have a deeper relationship with the Living God and revelation regarding divorce and remarriage. This information will be necessary to have a good foundation for a strong society as one navigates through the End-Times. Audrey and her family live in Los Angeles, California. 









Audrey's God's Way book series includes strategies, tools and devices for spiritual warfare, marriages, traditional and blended families, finances, a deeper relationship with the Living God and revelation regarding divorce and remarriage. This information will be necessary to have a good foundation as one navigates through the End-Times.

​Dr. Audrey L. Dickey


Glory International Center

​"A Center for God's Presence"